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Lambertville Artist Lends Gravitas to Madame Secretary Set

Set designer Sheila Bock discovered Sullivan’s work when she was shopping for just the right elements that would speak to Leoni’s character. Her visit to Sullivan’s studio resulted in the purchase of nine pieces that now decorate the dining room and kitchen of the fictitious McCord’s Georgetown flat. The paintings, titled Peach Season, Under the Pines, Bucks Pasture, Bee Box, and Idaho Barn, among others, are clearly chosen to support a privileged lineage for the leading lady.

By Linda Arntzenius

Situated on the western flank of New Jersey, the picturesque town of Lambertville draws art lovers from both sides of the Delaware River. The town itself and the bucolic landscapes that surround it feature in the work of numerous artists displayed in the town’s many private galleries.

Kelly Sullivan’s studio is located three floors up above The Peoples Store at 28 North Union Street. The studio has its own entrance round the corner on Church Street and those who make the climb discover a bright airy space filled with scenes of the river valley. Full article here: