A Liquor Store!? Yes, it is so.

My husband is smart, kind, and tenacious.  He also enjoys beer, wine, and bourbon… in that order.  I’ve joined in often over our nearly 25 years together.  I also make a stink about it sometimes.

Growing up in an Italian home, booze was at every celebration, dinner party, funeral, and family event that I can remember. It’s around in so many of my good memories.  I’ve also seen it destroy lives and kill people I love, so I ponder it’s place in society often. Tom has been talking about opening a liquor store for years. I admit, I was less than supportive. But, he’s tenacious and I’ve come around. He brought two other families into the endeavor and the doors opened this past weekend to a steady flow of excited neighbors. It’s called Edwin’s Wine and Spirits. Edwin’s: derived from the Old English Eadwine–“ead” (prosperity, happiness) and “wine” (friend). We take inspiration from our namesake and believe that good fortune and happiness should be shared with friends…preferably over a great bottle of wine.  In an effort to support that ethos with art, I poured over my books finding many, many examples of people celebrating with spirits in masterworks around the world for eons. We scoured the flea markets for funky old frames and injured art books. The hunt turned my studio upside down for a few days, creating over 50 pieces of spirited art to adorn the wall of Edwin’s. I worked the register for the first two days and had a surprisingly fun time.  The store is well stocked and expanding based on requests from the neighborhood. The three partners all have their specialties, bringing a great mix of friendly knowledgeable excitement to the world of wine and spirits.  You can follow them on Facebook   Or visit them in person at 1346 U.S. 202, Branchburg, NJ.


1 Response to A Liquor Store!? Yes, it is so.

You have great heart, Kelly, and the ability to love, support and remain fair even when there are difficult ‘iffy-bits’ of uncertainty.

Posted by Diane Pool · via thebabblingbrush.com · 11 months ago

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