Indulge in Art Everyday

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, … introducing INDULGE IN ART EVERYDAY!

You all know my passion for ART, not just for the process of creating my own work, but for the benefits ART has on young minds and old spirits alike. It’s a motivator, a communicator, a healer. Life without it would be bleak.

Choosing to follow a career in the arts is a bold move, but for many of us, there was never really any choice. Creating something that represents our experience with the world, and putting it out there for others to see, hopefully, appreciate, and ultimately purchase, takes a lot of chutzpah.

I live in an area rich in artistic history. The work of the painters before me holds great value here. Those that supported them and invested in their work while they were alive were pivotal in sustaining their ability to create. Investors have had the privilege of passing that work from generation to generation.

Be PIVOTAL today! Follow an old tradition. Start a new collection. Indulge yourself. Invest in the artisans you love. If I happen to be one of them, that’s cool too!



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