
Kelly's personal collection

“Aidan” won an award for Portrature at the Oil Painters of America National Exhibition. It was a proud moment around a portrait that was difficult to paint. Aidan is our daughter. She developed severe scoliosis and endured years of discomfort that ultimately resulted in a full spinal fusion. I started this portrait shortly after her surgery. I was taken by her strength, and sad that I couldn’t erase her need for it. The initial sketch out of this painting flowed out. It was vibrant and full. My attempts to hold and develop her were so poor that, in despair, I turned the painting to the wall. Multiple failed attempts to revive the emotion in the piece followed. Aidan was taken off of medical restrictions two years after her surgery. My final effort to capture her flowed once again. This painting represents youth, strength, tenacity, tenderness, and beauty. She is my love.