An Art and Life Blog

What’s Inside – Simple Pleasures, #23 of 30

“There must be something in there”, I thought to myself. I turned it all around and admired it. It was simple. It was beautiful. I was intrigued by the thing I could not see; that…

The Bittersweet Vine- Simple Pleasures, #22 of 30

Bittersweet is defined as “arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain”… I could go on but my sweet husband returns to Idaho tomorrow, so I’ll close and spend the time I have. Comments Success Leave…

My Darlin’ Clementine – Simple Pleasures, #21 of 30

It was nice to paint with light today! My sweet little nieces are coming to our house to trick-or-treat, so there is no time for the brush to babble anymore today. Pumpkin soup, a hearty…

Green Apples – Simple Pleasures, #20 of 30

The power went out 10 minutes into this painting. I also used a bristle brush on a smooth panel which tends to pick up paint as much as it puts it down. That alone was…

A Warm Hat – Simple Pleasures, #19 of 30

“This is the first year that we will not have snow before Halloween” Aidan and Liam looked at each other with desperation, “I bet there is afoot in Idaho already”. I sympathized. The coming of…

Loving the stillness of a still life – Simple Pleasures #17 & #18 of 30

I thought about blowing it off. Everything in me just wanted to sit on the couch and have a glass of wine. It was 5 PM. We’d had a long day of doctors, shots, shopping,…

Freshly Grated – Simple Pleasures, #16 of 30

Over homemade gnocchi perhaps… Cheese is divine, but it proved to be a difficult study. I had a tube of Vasari paint given to me by an old friend. Unsatisfied with my original background color,…

Cotton – Simple Pleasures, #15 of 30

Cotton…nothin’ like it. Comments Success Leave a Comment Name (required) Email Address (required) Website/Blog Address Comments (required) Remember Your Info Check this box if you want email updates when people comment on this post To…

Garlic – Simple Pleasures, #14 of 30

Garlic is not yellow. I know that. But if the point of the exercise is to study color, I thought I would push it a bit.  Besides, how to do you make “more come forward”…

Old Things – Simple Pleasures, #13 of 30

Old things, old friends, old memories… I have many thoughts on this exercise. It’s interesting – it’s hard. I’m happy for the experience, but I’m a bit too pressed for time to share anything more…