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An Art and Life Blog


Spurts. My life runs in them. Fast – slow, sad – happy, well – sick, rich – poor… rarely a modicum of consistency, rarely a sense of one within the other. I’m sure that this…

The Wish List

I believed that Santa himself made The Sears & Roebucks Christmas catalog and that he filled its pages with the stock from his workshop. Although my young mind would run wild with want, we were…

Indulge in Art Everyday

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, … introducing INDULGE IN ART EVERYDAY! You all know my passion for ART, not just for the process of creating my own work, but for the benefits ART has…

And so it begins… Go Ask Billy

I’m taking a class. Its called “Tales Told in Winter” and it’s unraveling me, in all the right ways. I’m writing, fiercely, and loving it. Each week we are given multiple topics and just a…

Turning 50

The older I get the more I have to say, and the less I tend to speak. More often, I conjure. I soak in the situation and I digest it. I think plenty and form…

Cabin in the Woods

I scanned the listings on Craig’s list and found a cottage in the woods, not far from town. I love my studio. It’s on the third floor of a landmark building constructed in 1839. It…


Cows. I used to drive by them every day in Idaho and aside from their poop smeared backsides, I always found them oddly beautiful. Same goes for old buildings on the verge of collapse, not…

Rooftop painting in Haiti

I love traveling with a videographer… In Haiti painting Serge at a rooftop atilier. Comments Success Leave a Comment Name (required) Email Address (required) Website/Blog Address Comments (required) Remember Your Info Check this box if…

Whittle It Up

Today I was thinking about whittling it up, as opposed to whittling it down, which of course is not possible. Once you’ve whittled it down, there’s no whittling it up– in the case of wood…


Chutzpa – my dictionary defines it as “shameless audacity” but I have a slightly different view. When I was young, someone told me I had a lot of it and I thought that was a…