Getting Ready to Touch Time

I  have a bit of a stiff neck, and I haven’t taken the time to work out much this week.  I shrug it off as a temporary situation.  I’m sure when all of this passes, I’ll get right back to it.  I’ll have the yoga-toned body of a youngster. Until then, I will travel around Idaho inhaling paint and politics.

Today was dedicated to getting ready for the “Touching Time” FingerSmear project that begins tomorrow.  We’ve narrowed down six locations throughout Idaho, and we’re launching a “soft” start at my studio tomorrow afternoon; meaning we just sent out invitations today, we hope a few people show up, and we’ll take note of all the mishaps as to not repeat them over the next few weeks.

The best part of this project is that our really cool kids will be joining me in the adventure, along with one of my studio mates, Ginny.  We’re going for the “on-site” education instead of the classroom one, and fortunately, it looks like the schools will accommodate.

Our daughter Aidan will be documenting the project, with some remote assistance from friend and

filmmaker Ryan Gillentine. Liam will be the best roadie we could ask for, as well as an excellent FingerSmear assistant, and a charming young conversationalist.  I have seen much too little of our beautiful kids for the past 6 weeks, and I’m ready to get my fill.  The work Tom and I have been doing is important, but when your kids cry and can’t tell you what’s wrong, it’s time to re-evaluate and bring them closer.

When we are not on the road FingerSmearing, we’ll be in Boise, living in the condo/campaign office; a hectic “keepin’ it real” environment with a pulse that registers louder than most.  Everyone is over-worked, over-taxed, under-rested, and stepping far beyond their job description. Not everyone agrees – but everyone believes – and they find a way to get things done. I look at Tom, and this swirl of faith and dedication that surrounds him.  I have a fleeting tinge of jealously that I must now share him with a much bigger world.  I get over it, and know that the world is better off.   I smile to myself and trust that the corruption and deceit that exists in our political system will keep an arms length, and I go back to my paint.

Watch Aidan’s Video Here


3 Responses to Getting Ready to “Touch Time”


Posted by Ginny · via · 138 months ago

It was so much fun to smear and donate the pallette knife.

Posted by philbin de got schulz · via · 138 months ago

Hey Philbin – It was even more fun to see your pallette knife welded to the fabulous Idaho shaped piece of metal!! You must see it!

Posted by Ginny · via · 138 months ago


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