Touching Time Rally’s to Restore Sanity

We made it in the front door around 10PM and dropped our bags in the foyer.  The only thing that came out of our luggage was toothbrushes. Everything else we needed surrounded us. Friday morning the kids and I slept in, took care of a few overdue obligations, went to the polls, and then to a party.  This party was for me and I was selfishly pleased to shift the attention for a few hours.  One of my paintings had been selected to grace the label of Grand Teton Brewing Company’s holiday ale and it was time to release it.  I singed about 100 oversized bottles and was very happy to see a few old friends and fellow artists.

The next morning Tom left our home at 4AM to drive back to Boise.  “Touching Time” was making its debut at the Boise version of the Rally to Restore Sanity, and he graciously agreed to manage the set up with the help of his staff so that the kids and I could spend the day at home.  It was so exciting to see pictures of it all put together and standing! They tell me it was very well received by the crowd and had many admirers.  People came up to find their signatures and get a closer look at the culmination of so many swipes. It will also be at the Owyhee Hotel for the Democratic election night party.  “Touching Time” has been offered to the Capital Building in Boise to be installed as a public art gift from the people of Idaho to the people of Idaho.

Tomorrow is Election Day.  We are all back in Boise making the final push.  No matter tomorrow’s outcome, I have never been more proud of the man I’m married to. 14 years later, and he still amazes me.


Watch a slideshow of all the pictures from The Touching Time fingersmear project.


1 Response to Touching Time Rally’s to Restore Sanity

Your label is so good Kelly! I’ll be in touch as you make your way back home. Proud of you and Tom!!

Posted by Ginny · via · 137 months ago


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