Lesson #27 – Painting from Photograph Demo in Studio

Here is how I might start the process, and bring it to a finish.

We had to break it up into three videos. You will notice that after the light and shadow are laid in, it’s time to make more decisions. Take your time, as I do in the videos to analyze and decide what needs to be softened, what needs a crips edge, what needs a color shift. I hope the process doesn’t move too slowly for you – we sped up where we could – but know that that is the process. It’s a series of small decisions, one after the other. You will come away from your painting session relaxed (hopefully), but also tired, and likely hungry. It takes energy and brain power to choose over and over again. It also connects the two sides of your brain in a very effective way. Painting will grows all kinds of good stuff in your life. Just don’t eat the paint and you will be better off for every stroke.

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